How long does it take to get my order?

This product is made especially for you as soon as you place an order, which is why it takes us a bit longer to deliver it to you. This process takes 7 to10 business days. It can be less depending on where it's going.

Do you accept returns or exchanges?

No, at the moment, we cannot accept returns or exchanges as most of are designs are made to order, or limited editions. All sales are final.

My package has not yet arrived, who do I contact?

You will get a tracking number as soon as your order is scanned by the carrier. As soon as your package leaves the warehouse, it's their shipping service's and their responsibility. Hold tight , youll get your goodies.

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Please be aware of your customs' practices and what guidelines need to be followed regarding address requirements and duties. ALL NAMES & ADDRESSES HAVE TO BE IN ENGLISH. (No Español)

If your package is held in customs, it is out of our hands and we cannot take further action until the package is returned to us if there is an error on the customer's behalf. If the order is returned to us, there will be an additional shipping fee charged as we will need to reship the order if you choose to do so. Shipping fees are not refunded.